A program just using highly sophisticated mathematics is not helping the user: It must be appliable. The ash  analyser must be able to be calibrated without extended mathematical background. Therfor a table is stored in the  evakuation unit where laboratory values can be stored and used as comparison. A automatical routine for determination  of the calibration curve finds the coeffcients and shows immidiatelly how good the fit was.

But not only the simple display of the measuring results is important. The allready mentioned table can be used  as a data storage. All measuring values are shown over a time period of 1 hour, 1 shift and 1day back for 30 days.

In the service menu the soft ware is able to change the wiring terminals so that a relay or an analogue output  can be switched from one terminal to another.

Therefore the evakuation unit is not only an display of ash but fits into the process and can help tho controll  it.

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CANAL evaluation

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